Looking for a Speaker?

I’d love to connect with your ladies’ Bible study, book club, or writing group. My prepared topics include:

How to Search for Treasure. (30 minutes) The connection between the spiritual and physical realms is easily overlooked when we start thinking of treasure, but Hebrews 8 and 9 remind us that the Lord gives us copies and shadows on earth to show us heavenly things. What is REAL treasure? Can we increase our spiritual storehouses–and is that even okay? And when He gives us treasures, what are we supposed to do with them?

What To Do with a Deep, Dark Secret. (45 minutes) When your family tree brings you face-to-face with the skeletons in the closet, should you tell the story, or keep the secret? A light-hearted, inspirational talk suitable for book clubs, historical society meetings, and library events.

Is Scrivener Right for Me? (45 minutes, plus Q&A) Scrivener has become popular among writers of all kinds, but if you’re on the fence, this introduction is designed to help both plotters and pantsers decide whether it’s a tool that will benefit you.

Contact me for availability, suggested speaker fees (plus travel expenses for locations more than 50 miles from Marietta, GA), or to discuss custom program options.